Bures at War by Alan Beales, Book updates

United States Army Air Force
Forward Ammunition Dept 526 (Bures)


Current Publications

















Bures at War. USAAF Station 526, 3rd Edition
A5 Size

Published 25th February 2022
This edition was totally rewritten
due to the large volume of new material and
correcting minor errors

However, even more additional details arrived after the book was printed.
For the small Print run, it would have been far too expensive to re-write the book and possibly change the layout
and then published as the 4th Edition

Download these Files which gives additional information

Disposal of Munitions to Harwich(page138)

Twinstead Cemetery on the four brothers who were killed (page132)

Butlers Farm additional Nissen Huts (Page 56)

Memories of Loveney Hall (Page 27)

New image of Munitions parked by the roadside (Page27)

Pebmarsh Wood Update (Chapter 17)

Mary Laurie (Sister of Charlotte) in Durban, SA (Page59)

Chapter 17, Paper Mache Fuel Tanks (Page81)


1944 Aerial Photograph taken by the USAAF (Chapter 11)120

The Red Arrow indicates Butlers Farm
If you zoom in, the white dots represent Bomb Stackes
Nurses Wood clearly visible which was full of Munitions


Para:- Pebmarsh New Wood was nearly destroyed
Ist Line to read :- One resident recalls how a P51 Mustang...................


Page 120 - add new line
(3) Witches Wood was directly opposite the Airfield along the Coggeshall Road


Updated 27/06/24